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DR Congo + 4 more

Democratic Republic of the Congo UNHCR Mid-Month Update (1 – 15 October 2019)


This document provides a mid-month update on major developments between the publication of UNHCR’s monthly

Operational Update


  • In Sud Ubangi Province, about 4,127 Central African refugees in Mole and Boyabu camps confirmed their intention to voluntarily return to parts of the Central African Republic (CAR). UNHCR organised a “Go and See” mission to CAR to allow refugees to make an informed decision.

  • The construction of the new Bele settlement for South Sudanese refugees is ongoing in Haut Uele Province.
    As of 15 October, all 14 planned communal latrine and shower blocks were completed, as well as 331 family latrines and shower blocks out of 500 planned.

  • UNHCR’s partner Terre Sans Frontières (TSF) distributed education kits (pens, books, school bags and uniforms) to 130 Central African and local primary school pupils in the refugee-hosting locality of Ndu, Bas-Uele Province, to encourage school attendance for out-of-camp refugees. TSF also launched vocational trainings for 85 adolescent Central African refugees in three refugee-hosting localities in the Province. The trainings include tailoring and business management, with the aim of encouraging self-reliance activities.

  • UNHCR transferred 300 Burundian asylum-seekers from Sange Assembly Point to Kavimvira Transit Center, in South Kivu Province where they received assistance.

  • 51 South Sudanese refugees (17 households) were registered at the Aru Transit Center before being transferred to Biringi settlement, Ituri Province. They received basic household items as well as food rations.

  • In Biringi refugee settlement, Ituri Province, UNHCR and partners distributed underwear donated by PUMA/STICHD to 1,607 women and girls. In addition, 1,285 women and girls of childbearing age received sanitary pads. Other in-kind donations included soap, jerry cans, clothes and household items.

  • UNHCR and partners conducted Best Interest Assessments for 14 Burundian refugee children at risk, to establish links with tutors, the background of their separation, and to evaluate protection conditions in their current families. UNHCR and partners also conducted Best Interest Determination for 10 Burundian refugee children at risk, living in four families. The panel decided to keep these children in their current families, given the children’s wishes and the favourable protection conditions.

Congolese returnees

  • On 9 October, the first organised convoy of voluntary repatriations of Congolese refugees in Angola left Lòvua settlement (Angola) with 218 people on board. Refugees were safely repatriated to Tshikapa and Kamonia, Kasai Province, through the Kandjadji entry point and the Mugamba Transit Center. UNHCR and WFP provided repatriation packages, which consisted of cash assistance to cover for food and transportation to areas of origin.

  • At the request of the DRC Government, and responding to high numbers of spontaneous returnees stranded at the border, UNHCR started transporting spontaneous returnees from Kalamba Mbuji to Nkanji, a temporary Government site situated near Kananga, Kasai Central. As of 15 October, 4,516 people had been transported.
    In Nkanji, UNHCR and WFP provided return packages composed of multipurpose cash to cover further transportation and food expenses. As of 15 October, 6,603 people had received this package in Nkanji.


  • On 1 and 2 October, UNHCR organised a Statelessness Forum in Goma, North Kivu Province, gathering some 50 government, civil society and United Nations actors to discuss statelessness risks in eastern DRC. The aim of the forum was to validate priority actions, and encourage provincial authorities to make this fight a priority.