The province of South Kivu has experienced an upsurge in security incidents since January 2022, particularly in the Hauts-Plateaux and Moyens-Plateaux of Fizi, Menga, Uvira, and in the territory of Kalehe. This context of insecurity has negatively impacted the humanitarian space and exacerbated the vulnerabilities of the population. The province includes 1.2 million people in need, or 21% of the total population, and nearly 1.3 million internally displaced persons, including 76,000 as a result of floods and natural disasters. Other indicators are equally alarming: food insecurity affects 1.2 million people, particularly in the territory of Shabunda, where 10% of the population is in the emergency phase (IPC4). 9,538 human rights violations have been recorded since the beginning of the year.
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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