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DR Congo

Democratic Republic of the Congo: Humanitarian Situation in Rutshuru and Nyiragongo Territories - Situation Report #6 (5 to 12 July 2022)


This report is produced by OCHA DRC in collaboration with humanitarian partners. It covers the period from 5 to 12 July 2022 until 16:00 (Goma time).


• Influx of displaced people leads to increased humanitarian needs

• Access to health care, a major concern


Clashes between the Congolese army and the Mouvement du 23 mars (M23) fighters continued in in several localities in Rutshuru territory, causing major population movements.

As of 8 July, the health zones of Rutshuru and Rwanguba had received more than 124,000 displaced people, according to administrative and health authorities. Despite this influx which leads to an increase in humanitarian needs, humanitarian actors are lacking access to large parts of Rwanguba due to repeated clashes — at least two health structures have ceased to function; health authorities fear an increase in in deaths due to lack of health care. In addition, socio-economic activities remain paralyzed in Bunagana in Rutshuru territory, one month after its occupation by the M23 armed group on 12 June.

In Nyiragongo territory, at least 5,800 displaced people from Kibumba and Buhumba since last May are still living in makeshift shelters (schools, churches) in Kanyaruchinya, Kibati and Munigi. According to humanitarian sources, these people are reluctant to return to their villages for fear of new clashes.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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