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DR Congo + 1 more

Democratic Republic of the Congo - Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #6 Fiscal Year (FY) 2023



102.3 MILLION Population of the DRC
UN – August 2023

26.4 MILLION Population in Need of Assistance
UN – September 2023

6.4 MILLION Number of IDPs in the DRC
UNHCR – August 2023

1.1 MILLION Congolese Refugees and Asylum-Seekers in Nearby Countries
UNHCR – September 2023

522,319 Refugees and Asylum-Seekers in the DRC
UNHCR – September 2023

  • The IASC extended the System-Wide Scale-Up for eastern DRC through December 31, facilitating relief actors’ continued mobilization of additional resources and staff in the conflict-affected region. However, funding shortages continue to hinder scale-up implementation. The USG remains the largest donor of humanitarian assistance in the DRC, providing nearly $486 million in FY 2023.

  • Relief actors call for expanded protection support in conflict-affected communities—particularly in eastern DRC—where reported GBV, grave violations against children, and other protection incidents have increased markedly during 2023.

  • Armed group violence resulted in civilian deaths and displacement in eastern DRC’s Ituri and North Kivu provinces, as well as in Kongo-Central and Kwango provinces in the west, during August and September.