102.3 MILLION Population of the DRC
UN – August 2023
26.4 MILLION Population in Need of Assistance
UN – September 2023
6.4 MILLION Number of IDPs in the DRC
UNHCR – August 2023
1.1 MILLION Congolese Refugees and Asylum-Seekers in Nearby Countries
UNHCR – September 2023
522,319 Refugees and Asylum-Seekers in the DRC
UNHCR – September 2023
The IASC extended the System-Wide Scale-Up for eastern DRC through December 31, facilitating relief actors’ continued mobilization of additional resources and staff in the conflict-affected region. However, funding shortages continue to hinder scale-up implementation. The USG remains the largest donor of humanitarian assistance in the DRC, providing nearly $486 million in FY 2023.
Relief actors call for expanded protection support in conflict-affected communities—particularly in eastern DRC—where reported GBV, grave violations against children, and other protection incidents have increased markedly during 2023.
Armed group violence resulted in civilian deaths and displacement in eastern DRC’s Ituri and North Kivu provinces, as well as in Kongo-Central and Kwango provinces in the west, during August and September.