95.2 MILLION Population of the DRC UN – December 2022
26.4 MILLION Population in Need of Assistance in 2023 UN – February 2023
6.2 MILLION Number of IDPs in the DRC UNHCR – April 2023
1.3 MILLION Number of Congolese Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Nearby Countries UNHCR – April 2023
522,579 Number of Refugees and Asylum Seekers Sheltering in the DRC UNHCR – April 2023
Flooding and landslides in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)’s South Kivu Province from May 2 to 4 resulted in more than 400 deaths and the displacement of nearly 1,500 people. USAID/BHA partners are responding with health, protection, and WASH aid to flood-affected populations.
Large-scale displacement resulting from M23-related conflict and limited access to basic services have caused a sharp increase in GBV cases in and around North Kivu Province displacement sites.
Armed groups continue to attack civilians in Ituri and North Kivu provinces, which has resulted in civilian casualties and displacement.