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DR Congo

Congo flooding appeal

34 Denominations & Communions Working Together to Meet Human Needs

(In support of ACT Appeal # AFDC81)

FEB. 5, 1998

SITUATION: The worst flooding of the past 35 years has affected large areas of the Democratic Republic of Congo, formerly Zaire. The flooding follows unusually heavy rainfall in the vast Congo River basin since December and is expected to continue through April. The flooding is affecting some 7 million persons living in cities, villages and towns along the Congo River or its tributaries. Many of the affected towns and villages are only accessible by light aircraft or by boat.

Homes and villages are being inundated by the rising flood waters, and widespread outbreaks of cholera, malaria and other infectious diseases are now common. More than 300 people are believed to have died from cholera and other diseases. Little, if any, external assistance is available in remote regions. Traditionally, the established church and community structures are the only channel available for limited assistance to affected populations.

RESPONSE: Action by Churches Together (ACT) International has issued a $200,000 appeal (Congo Flood Emergency Appeal, # AFDC81) to support efforts by ACT members and CWS partners Eglise Du Christ Au Congo (Church of Christ of the Congo) and Eglise Methodiste-Unie Au Congo (United Methodist Church of the Congo). The Congo churches have appealed to ACT for emergency funding to provide short-term emergency relief supplies such as medicines and food to flooding victims in the Kisangani and North Katanga provinces and in other affected regions.

The ECC plans to provide medical assistance to six community health clinics in the areas surrounding Kisangani. EMUC plans to provide medical and food aid to community health clinics, hospitals and community-based church distribution centers throughout a large area of the North Katanga region.

Church World Service is supporting the ACT appeal to assist the two Congo church partners. CWS will channel funds to ACT. Please send contributions to CWS/ERO in New York and designate to CWS/ACT Appeal, Congo Flooding (#976309). Those wanting a complete copy of the ACT appeal should contact the CWS Emergency Response Office.

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