Biometric registration for CAR refugees who arrived since May 2017 continued in the territories of Yakoma and Mobayi-Mbongo (Nord-Ubangi Province). As of 12th December, 39,150 refugees have been registered. Registration is a key element for refugee protection and a basis for the humanitarian response.
UNHCR and WFP prepared cash distribution for new arrivals who already registered with biometrics.
Distribution started on 4th December in four localities around Gbadolite (Mobayi Mbongo, Lembo, Kambo and Mogoro). 20,870 refugees are targeted as well as 6,895 host families. -
Partner ADES distributed farming and fishing kits (seedlings, farming tools, fishing tools and courtyard animals) to 730 refugees and 165 locals in Inke (Nord-Ubangi) and to 1,606 refugees and 605 locals from Boyabu (SudUbangi).
In Inke camp, partner AIRD started the construction of 268 transitional shelters for new arrivals who were awaiting transfers from the border area.
Update on Achievements
Operational Context
New arrivals from CAR are mainly settled along the rivers Ubangi and Mbomou that constitute the border between CAR and DRC. Access to many areas is extremely difficult, because of lack of infrastructures (lack of passable roads / bridges) and in some cases because of the security situation. Incursions of armed groups from CAR into DRC were reported in Bondo territory and the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) and other armed groups are operating in Bas-Uele province.
Conditions of new arrivals are extremely precarious: there is lack of shelter and core relief items, drinking water, food, sanitation and healthcare. They arrived with few belongings, and often their houses and property have been burned down or looted. Some of them are working in the fields of host community for little money or some food.