Informing humanitarians worldwide 24/7 — a service provided by UN OCHA

DR Congo + 2 more

Background document: Analysis of Peer-2-Peer mission findings December 2020 - October 2021


From late 2020 to late 2021, the IASC Peer-2-Peer Support Project (P2P) led three country missions in support of humanitarian leadership amid escalating crises and complex humanitarian responses: a virtual P2P Support Mission to Libya on 30 November-14 December 2020; a P2P Support Mission to the DRC on 5-17 September 2021; and an Operational Peer Review to Ethiopia from 21 September to 1 October 2021. Each mission led to an HCT Action Plan laying out the main challenges facing the humanitarian response and articulating the HCT’s key priorities in response to these challenges. An analysis of the Mission Reports shows common threads spanning all three missions, with the following findings coming out from most or all the missions:

  1. The need for more effective localization and stronger engagement with national and local NGOs;

  2. A clear gap on accountability to affected populations and the prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse;

  3. Inadequate or outdated coordination structures, and a disconnect between the leadership and operations in the field;

  4. The need for enhanced security management and duty of care for staff;

  5. The lack of a common HCT narrative on the humanitarian situation.