General Context
The security situation in eastern DRC remains precarious with humanitarian aid still not reaching many people. The cholera outbreak in Zimbabwe is not yet under control. The outbreak has spread in the Southern African countries. WHO and partners continue to support efforts aimed at information sharing from affected border districts, strengthening surveillance, as well as for resource mobilization.
Countries Situations
Acute Crises
- Angola: The cholera outbreak is still of high concern. On week 50, a total of 131 new cases and 1 death were reported. From January to December 14th 2008, Nationwide, 10,186 cases and 232 deaths were reported. WHO is supporting national authorities to strengthen coordination and response activities.
- CAR: The security situation is still worrisome in many areas in the North-west. The ongoing Political Dialogue, between opposition including rebel groups, the government and the civil society led to several agreements and recommendations: a coalition government to be formed, the composition of an independent electoral commission and guidelines to be adopted for the disarmament and re-integration of the rebels are the main points.
- Chad: The security situation in the East is still unpredictable with isolated incidents. Resurgence of criminal activities in Abeche. Measles outbreak with 275 cases reported in the east from 1 to 50 week. WHO is supporting the response activities.
- DRC: According to the UN mission (MONUC), the security situation remains precarious in the zones of North Kivu controlled by the Congrès National pour la Défense du Peuple (CNDP). The cholera outbreak is ongoing; during week 50 a total of 125 new cases without death were reported versus 232 cases with 1 death on week 49. High suspicion of a Hemorrhagic Fever in the province of Kasaï Occidental where 14 cases with 9 deaths (CFR: 64.3%) were reported. WHO is supporting the Ministry of Health for the investigation and the confirmation. Blood and stools samples have been collected for the laboratory.
- Ethiopia: According to WFP, with the onset of the rains, food security indicators are improving. In crop growing areas, food insecurity remained precarious due to crop failure because of poor rains. Acute Watery Diarrhoea: no new cases have been reported in the past four weeks. From 1st January to 30th of November 2008, total cumulative cases and deaths nationally were 3,804 and 23 respectively in 54 districts. WHO continues technical support to strengthen surveillance, early warning system, assessment and response.
- Kenya: The military operation along the Kenya Somali border is continuing. On-going cholera outbreak in the 3 districts of Mandera. Over 1,400 cases, 13 deaths reported since 17th November 2008. About 200 people being treated for food poisoning at the Rift Valley Provincial Hospital in Nakuru district. The cause of the poisoning is being investigated.
- Mozambique: The cholera outbreak is ongoing. Six provinces are affected. On week 50, a total a 131 new cases with 2 deaths were reported. Cumulative total since week 34 is 1,585 cases with 31 deaths. WHO and partners are supporting the control of the outbreak.
- Zimbabwe: The cholera outbreak is not yet under control. As of 18 December 2008; a total of 20,896 with 1 123 deaths (CFR, 5.4%) have been reported in two-thirds of the country's 62 districts. WHO and other partners are supporting the response activities.