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DR Congo

ACTED DRC: Improving access to drinking water in Baraka town

For the past 6 months, ACTED DRC has been implementing a project to improve access to drinking water in a high-density return area for Congolese refugees in Sud Kivu.

This project benefits 40 000 inhabitants of Baraka, and 16 000 refugees that are expected to have returned from Tanzania between 2006 and 2008.

The reasoning behind this project is the dramatic water and sanitation situation of Baraka town which was caused by the lack of maintenance as well as an inadequate water network.

Now that the project is nearly finished, ACTED can present the following results: an 8km water supply system has been rehabilitated, 40 fountains have been built and a 120m3 water reservoir is now functional. In addition to this, the community has greatly participated in this project, thanks to the hygiene training of 10 community relays as well as the creation of a local committee in charge of each fountain.