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WFP DPR Korea Country Brief, October 2019


In Numbers

US$ 14.6 million November 2019 – April 2020 net funding requirements

558,800 people assisted in October 2019

1,502 mt of fortified food distributed in October 2019

Operational Updates

• In October, WFP nutrition programmes assisted 558,000 people, including children in nurseries, kindergartens, hospitals, boarding schools, pregnant and lactating women, and tuberculosis (TB) patients. Every month, WFP provides nutritional support in the 60 most vulnerable counties across nine provinces.

• Thanks to an increased volume of mobilized resources in 2019, WFP will provide full rations to its beneficiaries starting from November 2019. This includes providing 200 g of fortified cereal for pregnant and lactating women and providing 100 g of fortified cereals and 60 grams of fortified biscuits for children in nurseries. The increased ration will increase the daily intake for children in nurseries from 370 Kcal to 514 Kcal per day, while increasing the intake for pregnant and lactating women from 471 Kcal to 740 Kcal per day.

• In response to the increasingly volatile climate in DPRK, WFP is implementing disaster risk reduction activities through food assistance-for-assets (FFA) activities. Due to seasonal conditions the FFA activities are mainly implemented in spring and autumn. As October is the main crop harvest time there were no extensive FFA distributions this month and the activities will be resumed in November. Through the FFA, WFP achieves resilience outcomes contributing to the country’s climate change adaptation goals.

• WFP established a multi-disciplinary project management team, which will serve as an inter-sectoral coordination mechanism, led by the National Coordinating Committee (NCC). This team will help implement the interim Country Strategic Plan (ICSP) 2019-2021 and address operational and programmatic issues as they arise.

• In October, in the context of the recent launch of National Environment Protection and Disaster Risk Reduction Strategy 2019-2030 by DPRK WFP has initiated a dialogue with the State Committee on Emergency and Disaster Management to jointly identify cooperation projects in emergency preparedness and response.