In Numbers
US$ 31 million July – December 2019 Net Funding Requirements
2,287.34 mt of food distributed in June 2019
615,066 people assisted in June 2019
Operational Updates
• In June, WFP nutrition programmes assisted 6,316 children in boarding schools, 324,996 children in nurseries, 101,100 children in kindergartens, 2,972 children in paediatric wards/hospitals, 114,513 pregnant and breastfeeding women, and 8,034 Tuberculosis (TB) patients. Nutritional support is focused on areas of the country where food security and nutrition are fragile and reaches 60 counties across nine provinces every month. In June, 1,522.94 mt fortified foods were distributed.
• WFP assisted a further 57,135 beneficiaries who were involved in food-assistance-for-assets (FFA) programmes. Individual participants received a food ration for their family for taking part in building community assets like tree plantations and river embankments. Physical implementation of all eight projects has been completed and verified by WFP monitoring teams. Food distribution is expected to be completed within the month of July. 764.40 mt of maize were distributed in June.
• Operational plans are currently being updated following the May 2019 rapid food security assessment. WFP will focus its efforts on assisting more people in more places, while maintaining its focus on children and pregnant and breastfeeding women – those most vulnerable to food insecurity and malnutrition.
• On 19 June 2019, WFP urged donors to support humanitarian needs in DPR Korea, estimating that 300,000 mt of food is needed to scale up humanitarian assistance in support of those most affected by ongoing food shortages.