UN Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) approval for rapid response was confirmed in August. CERF assistance of USD 2.5 million will enable WFP to provide nutrition support to 186,012 children and women for four months (September – December) in 23 worst droughtaffected counties.
Due to funding constraints, WFP will continue providing reduced rations (66 percent of the standard ration – the minimum to have a nutrition impact) until the end of the year to children and pregnant and nursing women.
Operational Updates
In August 2017, WFP reached 649,431 people through nutrition support activities and delivered 1,650mt of fortified foods. WFP continued providing children and pregnant and nursing women with twothirds of the standard rations (66 percent) of fortified cereals (66g per child, 132g per pregnant or nursing woman) and biscuits (40g per child).
The ration of the government-provided Public Distribution System (PDS) was 300g per person per day in August, which is lower than the target of 573g per person per day. PDS rations generally consist of maize, rice or potatoes, depending on the produce available in each province.
Funding constraints remains as the major challenge in WFP’s DPR Korea operations. Decreased funding has already affected WFP’s ongoing operations and any further decrease in funding due to the current political situation will significantly affect WFP’s ability to continue the lifesaving interventions in DPR Korea in 2018.
It takes on average six months (including procurement time, shipping and local food production) from the date of confirmation of funding to when fortified foods reach those in need. Due to this context and the fact that the rations of fortified blended food and biscuits cannot be further diminished while retaining a nutritional impact, it is essential for WFP’s DPRK operation to have a continued commitment from its donors.