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DPRK + 14 more

UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Region - Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Situation Report No.11 (Reporting Period: 22 July – 14 August 2020)



• As of 14 August 2020, 524,105 positive COVID-19 cases were confirmed in East Asia and Pacific, with 15,001 deaths. After months of steady decline, many countries have seen increases in cases over the past month. Philippines (143,749) and Indonesia (130,718) continue to record the highest number of cases.

• UNICEF is supporting governments with the “Back to School Campaign”. By the end of July 2020, most countries in the region started reopening schools, with the exception of Cambodia, Mongolia and the Philippines. Schools in DPRK, some Pacific Island Countries and within some parts of China (i.e. Beijing) also remain closed for summer break.

• UNICEF is supporting governments with their infection prevention and control (IPC) measures as well as communicating lifesaving information on COVID-19. To date, UNICEF and partners reached 793 million people with COVID-19 messages in the region.

• In order to continue responding to critical needs in countries most affected by COVID-19, UNICEF has revised its Global Humanitarian Action for Children (HAC) appeal for the COVID-19 response and is now seeking US$1.9 billion globally. As part of this appeal, the East Asia and Pacific regional response plan appeal increased to US$162 million. So far, a total of US$99 million has been received for the response in 2020*