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Floods (MDRKP003), Operation Update no. 1


Period covered by this operation update: 2 - 29 August 2011.

Appeal target (current): This Emergency Appeal seeks CHF 3.49 million in cash, kind, or services to support the DPRK Red Cross to assist 30,000 flood-affected people for 12 months, and will be completed by 31 August 2012. A Final Report will be made available by 30 November 2012.

Appeal coverage: With contributions received to date, the appeal is 3 per cent covered. Funds are very urgently needed to enable DPRK Red Cross to continue providing immediate humanitarian assistance to those affected by the disaster.

Appeal history:

• This Emergency Appeal was launched on 19 August 2011 for CHF 3.49 million for 12 months to assist 30,000 beneficiaries.

• Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF): CHF 453,413 was allocated from the Federation’s DREF to support the national society to respond to this emergency.

Summary: Consecutive flood events caused by heavy rainfall, and strong winds, including typhoon Muifa, have destroyed or severely damaged over 9,500 houses, rendering more than 25,000 people homeless between 23 June and 9 August, according to data provided by the DPRK government. While flood damage was reported throughout the country, south and north Hwanghae provinces have been worst hit by the repeated flooding, leaving an already vulnerable population in a critical condition.

The accumulated effect of years of poor maintenance, aggravated by strong winds and extended heavy rainfall and flooding have taken its toll on many houses, public buildings, crops, and infrastructure like bridges and roads. In some communities up to 50 per cent of all houses collapsed, while in others approximately 90 per cent of all buildings suffered some kind of damage. With the rainy season continuing at full strength, many people live under plastic sheeting or in the remnants of their dwellings, often at risk of imminent collapse. At the same time, polluted drinking water supply sources continue to raise serious health concerns.

During the reporting period, 6,876 emergency relief kits, including family hygiene kits and water purification tablets, were distributed to the affected families, covering approximately 30,000 people. Hygiene promotion activities are ongoing to raise awareness among the affected population on the importance and proper use of purifying drinking water and the importance of good hygiene practices. Requisition for the replenishment of the distributed items is under way, while other core activities of this appeal are under preparation while their implementation will depend on the pace of support to the appeal.

To date, contributions to this appeal have been received from the Finnish Red Cross and Netherlands Red Cross/ Netherlands government. On behalf of DPRK Red Cross, IFRC would like to thank all partners for their response to this appeal.