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DPR Korea: Plan 2009 - 2010 (MAAKP002)


Executive summary

The political process, under the auspices of the six-party talks, is making slow progress and signs of some economic recovery are evident from the active reconstruction and upgrading of streets and buildings in the capital Pyongyang ahead of the 60th anniversary celebrations of the creation of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) as a nation. At the same time, the humanitarian situation in the DPRK is increasingly fragile after reports of food gaps in the harvest records from 2007 and recurrent floods impacted negatively on food production. The World Food Programme is leading a major food aid programme from mid 2008 for at least 15 months, distributing 500,000 MT of food donated by USAID, in collaboration with Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and five American NGOs. The International Federation seeks to support the DPRK Red Cross in preventing the health deterioration of community-level populations during the period 2009-10. These anticipated health concerns, centred around an increase in malnutrition, can be addressed by the International Federation's support to maintaining continued access to essential drugs and health care for vulnerable groups, particularly women and children. In addition, the International Federation disaster management programme will expand the DPRK Red Cross preparedness and response capacity at all levels during national disasters in the future.

The DPRK Red Cross works within a three year 2007-09 cooperation agreement strategy (CAS) agreement with ten national society partners and the International Federation. The CAS agreement is expected to be extended to 2012.

The focus of this 2009-10 plan is based on the key priorities of the DPRK Red Cross, and focuses on the expansion of disaster management and maintenance of the health and care programme, including community first aid at over 2,500 first aid stations across the entire country.

The target beneficiaries, over 8.25 million people, are community residents in the rural areas, with a particular focus on vulnerable groups.

Implementation of the disaster management and health programmes will prevent further loss of life during disaster situations and health emergencies. The programmes also promote community resilience and understanding of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement.

The total budget for 2009 is CHF 10,099,166 (USD 9,231,413 or EUR 6,432,590) and for 2010 is CHF 9,619,164 (USD 8,792,655 or EUR 6,126,856). Partners are invited to provide support financially, in services and in-kind.