- Executive Summary
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is supporting the Red Cross Society of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK RCS) in strengthening the capacity of DPRK RCS to do more, do better and reach further in providing humanitarian assistance to the people in need based on the community needs and available funding, with a strong emphasis on longer-term development.
The main operations of DPRK RCS supported by IFRC are under two business lines of IFRC’s long term planning framework (LTPF) 2012-2015: BL2 - emergency response; and BL3 - strengthening the Red Cross contribution for development. Partnership and coordination interventions are under the other business lines. The main operations are: 1) disaster management (DM); 2) health and care (health) and 3) water and sanitation (watsan); with the supportive function of organizational development (OD).