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WFP Cuba Country Brief, June 2023


In Numbers

129 mt of food assistance distributed*

USD 3.7 m six months (July - December) net funding requirements, representing 27 percent of total

144,539 people assisted* in June 2023

*Preliminary numbers

Operational Updates

• On 5 June, WFP cooperating partners and representatives from six ministries met in Havana to improve partnerships and efficiency in implementing WFP grants and projects. The workshop focused on the main issues for implementing operations in the country, including delays in importing assets and goods. A proposal for improvements was drawn up.

• In June, WFP Cuba facilitated an exchange between a technical team from the Ministry of Domestic Trade and experts from WFP Regional Bureau Panama (RBP) to assess the country’s logistical capacities. It has been agreed that the diagnosis will focus on the standardized family basket and a field mission from RBP is planned for September.


• From 18 June to 5 July, ten officials from six Cuban ministries and two representatives from WFP Cuba visited government counterparts, academia and private sector representatives from the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Honduras and Colombia as part of a South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) multi-country initiative. The objective was to exchange knowledge and experiences on social protection systems, targeting tools, registration, cash transfers and financing mechanisms. Over 100 officials from 12 institutions were involved and the Cuban delegation gained valuable insights through field visits. The initiative was finalized with a workshop in Panama, where the participants agreed on a roadmap for social protection processes based on the results of the SSTC exchanges.