In Numbers
USD 2.1 million six-month net funding requirements, representing 15% of total
296 MT of food assistance distributed
84,810 people assisted
Operational Updates
WFP successfully continues the implementation of the project “Strengthening the resilience of the local food system to natural disasters and climate change, with a nutritional approach for supplying social protection programmes”, funded by the Korean International Cooperation Agency and implemented in five targeted municipalities of the eastern provinces. As of July, WFP supported the distribution and assembling of semi-protected organic gardens and nursery greenhouses to strengthen smallholder farmers’ capacities and continued fostering the purchase process of other inputs and equipment based on the main needs of value chain stakeholders. Those activities aim at increasing the variety and quantity of food provided to social safety nets.
WFP facilitated a workshop in the province of Santiago de Cuba within the framework of a project financed by the Russian Federation for strengthening the school feeding programme in the five eastern provinces. The Representatives of the local project committees from the five provinces agreed on common criteria to be used to assess the institutions (schools, cooperatives, etc) to be selected and receive support within the project. Furthermore, the participants carried out field visits and shared experiences about the project implementation in each territory.
WFP conducted in Guantanamo province the second distribution of a food basket consisting of vegetable oil, rice, and peas. Guantanamo province is one of the most vulnerable territories to food insecurity in the whole country. The distribution has been made within the context of a humanitarian intervention which benefits 72,500 pregnant women and older adults.
WFP completed the food distribution in response to COVID-19 in 12 provinces out of 15 existing provinces in Cuba. WFP will complete the distribution (approx. 11,400 vulnerable people, mainly elderlies) in the remaining 3 provinces, namely, Holguin, Las Tunas, Granma in addition to the special municipality, the Isla de la Juventud.
WFP distributed milk to 900 vulnerable people, mainly children under 5, older adults and pregnant and lactating women through the social programmes implemented with the Office of the Historian of Havana City.