In Numbers
USD 5.6 m total requirements
86.00 mt of food assistance distributed
82,200 people assisted (July 2020)
Operational Updates
• WFP continues to remotely foster the implementation of the joint WFP-FAO Pro-Act project in Villa Clara province. In July, WFP advanced in the preparations of the training plan, including the provision of remote actions due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In order to guarantee connectivity, WFP supported the Ministry of Agriculture on enhancing connectivity among national and local counterparts.
• WFP distributed micronutrient powder (MNP) to children aged 6-11 months and Super Cereal (CSB) to children aged 12-23 months and pregnant and lactating women in selected municipalities of Santiago de Cuba and Guantanamo provinces with high anaemia prevalence rates.
• WFP also distributed Super Cereal to elderly people and vulnerable population through the community canteens in 22 selected municipalities from the five eastern provinces. The government highly appreciated this support considering the crucial role that these institutions are playing in assisting vulnerable population during the Covid19 pandemic.
• Thanks to a recent contribution from the Russian Federation, WFP is about to start implementing an initiative to promote home-grown school feeding as a mean to strengthen linkages between this large-scale safety net and smallholder producers, supporting more sustainable and inclusive local food systems.