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Long Term Planning Framework Cuban Red Cross 2012-2015


  1. Americas Zone Mission

The mission of the Americas Zone is to support Americas National Societies to increase humanitarian and development standards, helping them to remain relevant within their country and sustainable and accountable for their actions, guided by the implementation of Strategy 2020.

  1. National Society Mission

“The Cuban Red Cross is an independent National Society, humanitarian in nature, which in its capacity as a relief agency works as an auxiliary to the Civil Authorities in providing assistance and ensuring the well-being of the most vulnerable and those people most in need in a variety of contexts (socio-cultural, conflict and natural disasters). In accordance with its Statutes and the Fundamental Principles, the National Society’s strategy has been developed in coordination with civil society and governmental bodies, and aims to strengthen local capacities, improve communications and external relations, by giving priority to saving lives and strengthening recovery from disaster and crises, enabling healthy and safe living, and living together in harmony and peace, whilst concentrating its efforts on ensuring a well-functioning and efficient organization.” (Cuban Red Cross Institutional Development Plan 2010–2020).