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Cuba + 2 more

Latin Caribbean: Appeal No. MAA49002 Programme Update No. 1


This report covers the period 01/January/2009 to 30/June/2009

Programme purpose: The Latin Caribbean Regional Representation reflects the strategy outlined in the Federation of the Future and supports the three National Societies of Cuba, Haiti and the Dominican Republic in the region to work towards the goals of the Federation's Global Agenda through scaling-up programmes, increasing Red Cross capacity and strengthening its role in civil society.

Programme(s) summary: During the first six months of 2009, the Latin Caribbean Regional Representation has continuously focused on the prominence of the Red Cross as a leader in disaster management at the national and regional levels, paying particular attention to the preparedness of communities and the work to address the impact of the HIV and AIDS pandemic in the region. In addition, the Latin Caribbean Regional Representation focuses on providing a high level of organizational development support that will enable the three National Societies to provide tailored development strategies including branch and volunteer development, resource mobilization and accountability performance.

In the case of Haiti, the secretariat has made an effort to ensure the continuity of the coordination process with the different actors present in country. However the conditions for an Operational Alliance of the Haitian National Red Cross Society (HNRCS) on disaster management are still not in place. Nevertheless the combined efforts of Movement partners around the National Society's strategic plan to coordinate the investments are in place. The second part of 2009 will focus on updating the strategic plan and defining priorities for the next years. A decision has been made to keep a minimum presence of the secretariat after the phase out of the emergency teams still working in Haiti. This programme management office will be in a better position to support a planning and reporting mechanism and improve the National Society's organizational development skills with a focus on regional committees and local branches. The Federation in Haiti will continue to work towards creating an adequate working environment and conditions for strategic discussion to take place among HNRCS Movement partners.

The transition of emergency operations to the Latin Caribbean Regional Representation has allowed the secretariat to maintain an adequate long term focus on recovery activities. At the same time the workload required for the operations significantly affected the capacity to implement regular programming for the Haitian and Cuban National Societies. Particularly in the case of Haiti, a large recovery programme is underway, however this is in the final stages and some normalcy will be restored to the National Society's operations.

Financial situation: The total revised 2009 budget is CHF 2,009,622 (USD 1,985,557 or EUR 1,330,867), of which CHF 1,670,748 (83 per cent) covered during the reporting period (including opening balance). Overall expenditure during the reporting period was CHF 839,424 (41 per cent) of the budget.

When first planned in 2008, the 2009 budget did not include the operational impact of the two major disasters that have hit Haiti and Cuba; as a result some of the forecasted activities have been revised to make sure that it was still achievable for the National Societies to complete their engagements in that regards. Funding for Disaster Management activities in disaster risk reduction has been less than expected but partially covered by the influx due to recovery programme of the Emergency Appeals. Funding for running costs of the Latin Caribbean Office has been below what was expected and this has had a direct impact on the quantity and quality for the monitoring and reporting of all National Societies' activities.

See also Hurricane Appeal reports: the emergency operations in Cuba and Haiti.