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Croatia: Meeting in Karlovac County

On Monday, January 11, 2010, CROMAC Director Oto Jungwirth and his Assistant Miljenko Vahtaric will have a meeting with Karlovac County Prefect Ivan Vuèiæ and county demining coordinator Bernard Pahor in order to present 2009 Humanitarian Demining Plan realization and a proposal of Humanitarian Demining Plan for 2010.

Karlovac County is one of the few counties with mine problem that decided to become actively involved in funding of demining activities and so far over 2.5 million HRK were allocated from the county budget for demining operations. In Karlovac County mine hazardous area (SHA) covers and area of 78 km2 in 11 municipalities and cities. The largest part of the SHA affects Pla=B9ki and Josipdol municipalities and 62% of the this county SHA consists of forests and forest areas.