In the area of Gunja Municiality there is a total of 162.017m2 of MSA, more specifically in the area between river Sava and the embankment east from the railway bridge Gunja-Brčko. For the stated area there are no original minefield records, but rather it is an area where it is estimated that the forrest paths and roads have been laced with lesser quantities of the AP and AV mines. The MSA area in Gunja Municipality is marked with 29 warning signs which are tied to the trees.
In the Vrbanja Municipality there is a total of 661.514m2 . The stated area has been flooded tonight and the water is flowing in from the flooded areas in the Republic of Serbia, more specifically from village Jamena. In the MSA of Vrbanja Municipality there is a forrest „Debrinja“ which has documented 4 minefield records containing 683 AP and AV mines (PMA-1, PMA-2 and PMA-3 as well as 48 AV mines TMA-3. There is a possibility that the water may carry the mines to the previously demined areas of CROMAC because those lay lower than the existing minefields. The exact affected area is not easy to estimate because of umpredictability of the influx of the flood waters. The MSA area in Vrbanja Municipality is 30 (18 large and 12 small) warning signs which are tied to the trees. The small ones are tied to the trees and the large signs are anchored into the soil.
The experts of CROMAC have made contact and made themselves available to the appropriate authorities managing the rescue operations in the endangered areas as well as with the authorities of the Republic of Serbia and Bosnia and Hercegovina with whom a joint commitee will be formed to monitor the situation in the field and jointly work on removal of consequences caused by floods on suspected hazardous areas. The representatives of mine action centres from the region are in constant contact and their first joint meeting will be held on Friday, May 23, 2014 on the flooded areas in the Republic of Croatia.
A freshly flooded area of MSA is in Vukovar-Srijem County, on the territory of t Somovac forrest in the Nijemci Municipality, ca. 4,5 km2 south-east of the village Lipovac, next to the border with Serbia. The surface of the MSA is 1 421 426 m2; it is 4,5 km long and 250-750 m wide. There are 3 registered minefields on the area in question. They consist of 50 pcs of AP mines, type PROM-1 and 78 pcs of PMA-3. The area is marked with 28 warning signs.
The field teams of CROMAC in coordination with National Protection and Rescue Directorate have visited the above-stated locations.