In Numbers
25,663 people assisted
40.2 mt of food assistance distributed in June 2024
US$ 217,767 cash-based transfers distributed
US$ 4.4 million six-month (July - December 2024) net funding requirements, representing 55 percent of the total needs-based plan
Strategic Updates
In June 2024, WFP Côte d'Ivoire launched an unprecedented operation that facilitated the reception and transit of 3,000 metric tons of rice from the port of Abidjan to humanitarian operations in Burkina Faso. This initiative aims to respond to the growing food emergency in this neighbouring country, exacerbated by internal conflicts and unfavourable climatic conditions.
Operational Updates
- In June 2024, WFP provided emergency food assistance in the form of cash transfers to 25,663 vulnerable people, out of which 54 percent were women. Out of this population, 22,177 were asylum seekers living both in Nioronigué and Timalah transit sites and out of the transit sites in the Tchologo and Bounkani regions. The remaining 3,486 people were host family members in the two hosting regions. This represents a 7 percent increase compared to May 2024.
- To address nutrition needs, WFP provided Specialized Nutritious Foods to 850 pregnant and breastfeeding women and 1,303 children aged between 6 and 59 months. This included 23.4 metric tons of Super Cereal (Corn Soya Blend +), 15.3 metric tons of Super Cereal Plus and 1.5 metric tons of vegetable oil. Assistance was coupled with awareness-raising sessions on malnutrition prevention at the Nioronigué and Timala transit sites.