In Numbers
21,854 people assisted
8.3 mt of food assistance distributed
US$ 8 million six-month (July – December 2023) net funding requirements
Operational Updates
In response to the increasing influx of Burkinabé asylum seekers in the northern districts of Côte d'Ivoire, WFP is gearing up to provide cash assistance to 20,000 asylum seekers and 2,500 host community households for the next six months, in addition to blanket supplementary feeding for asylum seeker children under five and pregnant and breastfeeding women and girls.
WFP signed a data-sharing agreement with UNHCR to ensure safe access to biometrically registered asylum seeker data, improved timeliness of assistance, and strengthened protection of beneficiaries.
WFP completed the first phase of vulnerabilitybased targeting and identified over 4,300 asylumseeker and host family households to receive assistance.
WFP completed a security assessment to identify the location sites for the cash distributions; 32 sites were confirmed to be suitable.
WFP signed a field-level agreement with the Comité International pour l'Aide d'Urgence et le Développement (CIAUD) to support the targeting and distribution of assistance. CIAUD staff were trained on the cash distribution process, as well as on issues related to protection and accountability to affected populations.
Côte d’Ivoire is being explored as a possible corridor to allow for the safe passage of food into Burkina Faso.
Pilot shipments are on the way and operations are in place to ensure transit through Abidjan seaport. -
In celebration of World Food Safety Day, WFP participated in a webinar held by the Regional Centre of Excellence Against Hunger and Malnutrition (CERFAM) to raise awareness of food-related risks and highlight the value of food safety for human health, especially in Africa which has the greatest incidence of diet-related disease globally.