In Numbers
20,845 people assisted
US$ 156,666 cash-based transfersdistributedUS$ 8.1 million six-month (August 2024 - January 2025) net funding requirements, representing 56 percent of the total needs-based plan
Strategic Updates
- On 4 and 5 July 2024, WFP Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea, Liberia and China participated in a regional seminar in Abidjan on rice value chain development in West Africa. The objective was to foster constructive policy dialogue, facilitate knowledge and expertise sharing, and strengthen public-private partnerships to effectively support rice value chain development initiatives, with a particular focus on smallholder farmers. This event was jointly organised by WFP, CERFAM, AfricaRice and the Agence pour le Développement de la Filière Riz (ADERIZ), with the support of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Operational Updates
- In July 2024, 50 groups of smallholder farmers supplying school canteens received capacity building support, as part of the McGovern Dole project, including innovative cultivation techniques, marketing, associative management, and simplified accounting. The roles and responsibilities of the members of the groups’ executive committees were also clarified. The groups received agricultural inputs and equipment to support their activities as the new agricultural season begins with the sowing of certain crops.
- In July 2024, WFP provided emergency food assistance through cash-based transfers (cash in hand) to 20,845 vulnerable people, 54 percent of whom were women. The assistance was provided to asylum seekers in the two transit sites of Niornigué and Timalah, and to out of sites asylum seekers. WFP also provided specialized nutritious food to 534 pregnant and breastfeeding women and 1,700 children from 6 to 59 months, to prevent moderate acute malnutrition.