In Numbers
USD 3,3 m six months (Sept 2022– Feb 2023) net funding requirements
Operational Updates
• Important steps have been taken in rice fortification in Côte d'Ivoire. The mixture of rice and kernel for the acceptability study sample has been completed, and thus, 450 kg of local rice and 450 kg of imported rice were fortified. The recruitment of the consultant to conduct the feasibility study is still ongoing. In parallel, discussions are underway with stakeholders to implement the pilot phase. The Agency for the Development of the Rice Sector (ADERIZ) in Côte d'Ivoire has agreed to supply 250 metric tons of local rice, two industrial grain blending units, and to contact private processors in the local rice sector for the distribution of fortified rice.
• The report on the Cost of Hunger in Côte d'Ivoire (COHA) has been transmitted by the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Focal Point to the Vice-Presidency of Côte d'Ivoire for validation by the technical ministries concerned.
• In order to prepare for a potential cash response to food insecurity in northern Côte d'Ivoire, a Market Functionality Index assessment covering 99 markets and 985 traders in six regions, was conducted from 20 June to 7 July 2022. Preliminary results according to the nine dimensions are satisfactory for assortment (8.7), availability (9.6), resilience (7.7), competitiveness (9.4), quality (7.9), and access-protection (9.7), while weaknesses remain for the dimensions relating to prices (6), infrastructure (5.9) and services (4.6).
• WFP in collaboration with the Direction des Cantines Scolaires de Côte d'Ivoire (DCS) organized a technical meeting to respond to the recommendations of the mini-workshop on the estimation of the cost of retrocession of 613 schools assisted by WFP held on 29 June 2022.
• Women farmer groups assisted by WFP have harvested 10mt of tomatoes in July. WFP and the Bureau de Vente des Produit (BVP) facilitated market access and enabled the commercialization of 8 mt to wholesalers.
• 75 culinary sessions have been conducted by the NGO WOPILE SANGA in forty villages in northern Côte d’Ivoire, with the participation of 500 women, out of whom ten were pregnant and 32 were breastfeeding.
• The Country Office participated in a workshop, organized by the Ministry of Employment and Social Protection in partnership with FAO and Inclusive Guarantee on 14 and 15 July 2022 in Abidjan, to capitalize on the pilot project results to extend social protection to informal rural workers in Côte d'Ivoire.
The workshop brought together 60 participants and aimed at reviewing the progress of the FAO/RAF/3703 technical cooperation project. It enabled the consolidation of good practices and encouraged the adhesion and contribution of all stakeholders to the implementation of a programme for the extension and monitoring of social protection initiatives in the agricultural and informal sectors in Côte d'Ivoire