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Côte d'Ivoire

Côte d’Ivoire: Floods - Operations Update Report No. 1, DREF n° MDRCI015


Summary of major revisions made to emergency plan of action:

This DREF operation update aims to inform stakeholders of the status of the implementation of the DREF Flood operation since its launch on July 04, 2022. The operations update also highlights the challenges faced by the implementation team and informs of a no cost timeframe extension of two (2) months. Overall timeframe being of 5 months with new end date on 31st December 30, 2022, instead of 31st October 2022, to allow the NS finalize all remaining activities under the implementation.

The main activities that remain to be implemented are the following

• Communication activities

• The finalization of voice breaks for messages in local languages and their radio broadcast in various languages

• The radio broadcast on Radio Côte d'Ivoire and for Television (MEDI TV, Nouvelle Chaîne de Côte d'Ivoire (NCI)) and the reporting activity on the activities within the framework of the realization of the documentary film

• The transfer of the last two tranches of cash to the beneficiaries.

• The compilation and the entry of the accounting documents

• Post-distribution follow-up

• Workshop on lessons learned

• Narrative and financial reports

This request for extension follows the delay in the implementation of the activities mainly due to the following reasons:

• Delay by the NS in starting the activities after the approval of the DREF following the strike of the staff during the first weeks

• The very limited self-financing capacity of the NS, which did not allow the financing of the first activities before the transfer of funds

• Cumbersome administrative procedures for signing documents

• Delay in the involvement of the CEA in field activities due to cumbersome and slow administrative procedures, which had a strong impact on the process of defining/validating selection criteria and finalizing the lists of CASH and Kit Wash beneficiaries with the community

• Late start of communication activities (two months from October). This delay in the start of communication activities is explained by cumbersome financial procedures.

• Conflicting key priority with other ongoing operations requiring same operation and finance staff.