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Côte d'Ivoire

Côte d'Ivoire: Annual Country Report 2019 - Country Strategic Plan 2019 - 2023



The Country Strategic Plan (CSP 2019-2023) was approved in February 2019, marking a shift in WFP’s approach in Côte d’Ivoire from food assistance provider to enabler through technical assistance to enhance institutional capacity and reinforce community resilience. The context of economic recovery and political stability provides a favourable condition for the shift in approach but recognizes persisting social and economic inequalities. Through its five mutually reinforcing strategic outcomes, WFP prioritized human capital development programmes, with a focus on women and children, as well as community-focused food and nutrition security activities.
In 2019, WFP contributed to the achievements of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2 (zero hunger) and SDG 17 (partnership for the goals) by:
Promoting sustainability of food production systems, and scaling up agricultural productivity, production and incomes of smallholder farmers, particularly women: In 2019, WFP strengthened the technical and organizational capacities of over 4,900 rural smallholder farmers (93 percent women and 7 percent men) to supply local food to school canteens and improve their livelihoods. Agricultural inputs, equipment and training provided to the groups contributed to increasing and diversifying their food production and consumption, improving their income security through enhanced market access, and increasing their contribution of a home-grown food to school canteens.
Prioritizing areas that are most vulnerable to food security and malnutrition, and where educational enrolment rates are low: The sustainability of the national school feeding programme is at the core of WFP’s strategic approach. In 2019, WFP reached 122,289 public primary school children (51 percent boys and 49 percent girls), to contribute to their improved school attendance, nutrition and education achievements. Moreover, take-home rations (THRs) of rice were distributed to targeted girls in fifth and sixth grade to retain and encourage them to complete the primary education cycle. As part of the exit strategy of the school feeding programme, WFP jointly developed the transition action plan with the Ministry of Education at the end of 2019, defining modalities and strategies to gradually handover the 613 supported schools over the next five years to the Government and communities.
Ensuring that immediate food and nutrition needs of population during and in the aftermath of shocks are covered: WFP maintained a strong emergency response capacity, through gender-responsive and nutrition-sensitive activities, by providing relief cash-based assistance to 936 flood-affected people (58 percent women and 42 percent men), following heavy floods in Abidjan and its surrounding areas. Moreover, through unconditional resource transfers (URTs), WFP reached 4,387 Ivorian returnees (49 percent women and 51 percent men), providing them with relief food and cash assistance, for the initial three-months period. The timely food and cash assistance provided by WFP contributed to preventing further deterioration of food security and nutrition status of the targeted population.
Further assistance to Ivorian returnees was provided through livelihoods and resilience strengthening activities, under the food assistance for assets (FFA) programme. Cash-based transfers and technical support were provided, to facilitate social cohesion, social reintegration and inclusion of returnees in their places of origin or return. Agricultural, poultry and fish production activities, aiming at improving food security and livelihoods of returnees, reached 7,500 beneficiaries (49 percent women and 51 percent men) and contributed to strengthening and creating productive assets for 85 percent of the targeted population.
Enhancing nationwide awareness of good nutritional practices and preventive measures against malnutrition:
Capacity-strengthening component was extended in regards to nutrition education activities, through the communication for behaviour change (SBCC) strategy. The knowledge and adoption of best nutrition and health practices were improved among targeted communities, to minimize potential underlying determinants of poor health and malnutrition. Additionally, to reduce national micronutrient deficiencies, particularly in iron, folic acid and zinc, WFP supported the Government in developing a rice fortification strategy.
Strengthening national capacities for the implementation and delivery of equitable and inclusive policies, plans and programmes in line with national plans and SDG targets: In addition to supporting the development of a national rice fortification strategy and SBCC strategy, WFP continued providing its support to the Government through the multisectoral policy coordination, preparation of strategic documents, development of strategies and programmes, as well as through training and learning exchanges with the Government, sectoral partners and other United Nations agencies.