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Costa Rica + 1 more

Factsheet Costa Rica: Cash Based Interventions (CBI) as of October 2024



To address the significant gaps faced by the most vulnerable asylum-seekers and refugees in meeting their basic needs, since 2019 UNHCR manages a Multi-purpose Cash Assistance (MPCA) Basic Needs Program, which is under direct implementation. The most vulnerable cases are identified through a socioeconomic evaluation. The amount of assistance is defined by the size of the family group.

The assistance is delivered for three or six months through a prepaid card. With the prepaid card families can make ATM withdrawals or make purchases in stores, granting them flexibility to prioritize their expenses.

From January to October 2024 2,535 people country-wide have benefited of this program, which has meant that over USD 748,639 has been delivered in cash assistance aimed at covering basic needs.