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Costa Rica + 5 more

DTM Costa Rica: Flow monitoring of people on the move across the Americas (December 2024)


Cantons: Alajuela, Alajuelita, Cartago, Corredores, Desamparados, Escazú, Heredia, Los Chiles, Upala, La Cruz, Liberia, San José, Santa Ana, Santo Domingo and Tibás

Costa Rica, like other Central American countries, continues to be a key migratory corridor for the flow of people on the move across the Americas. This flow mainly consists of individuals from the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, as well as other countries in South America, Africa, and Asia. According to estimates by IOM Costa Rica, approximately 6,353 people entered the country in December 2024, with an average of 205 people per day. This represents a significant 46% decrease compared to November 2024. Although the total number of people transiting through Costa Rica has decreased, the data reflect a notable difference in the conditions of those stranded in public spaces versus those in shelters. In December 2024, migrants stranded in public spaces decreased by 22% (from 672 in November to 522 in December), while people in shelters experienced a 76% decrease (from 570 in November to 134 in December). Shelters still have the capacity to accommodate more people, but many migrants prefer to continue their journey northward and remain in public spaces. This shift highlights the complex dynamics of migration.