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Costa Rica

Costa Rica Hurricane Cesar Situation Report No.6

  1. This is the final report on this emergency, unless unforeseen developments occur.
    2. For coordination purposes, donors are requested to inform DHA-Geneva, as indicated below, of bilateral relief missions/pledges/contributions and their corresponding value by item.

3. Final list of contributions reported to DHA for this emergency:

Donor Description Value in US$
DHA Emergency grant 30,000
UNDP Cash grant 50,000
UNDP Technical assistance 30,000
UNDP/UNHCR Cash for agricultural rehabilitation 24,000
WFP Food aid 55,850
UNFPA Furnishing for schools 1,211
ILO Technical assistance for rehabilitation projects* -
PAHO/WHO Humanitarian assistance - CRC 25,000,000 42,000
UNESCO Cash 50,000
UNICEF Sanitation treatment 100,000
UNV In-kind - 25mt of goods 150,000
WHO Cash 90,000
WHO Technical assistance 20,000
EUROPEAN COMM/ECHO Cash for sanitation projects, food aid and kitchen sets for 2,000 people - ECU 400,000 507,614
EUROPEAN COMM/ECHO River dredging 3,000,000
OAS Cash 20,000
ARGENTINA Airlift of 15,5mt of tools and generators* -
AUSTRALIA Cash through DHA 38,000
BRASIL 200,000 anti-tetanus injections* -
CANADA Cash, relief and technical assistance 169,750
CHILE Relief items 55,000
CHILE Reparation of health centres 10,000
CHINA Cash 100,000
DENMARK Cash 40,000
ECUADOR Provision of two C-130 for transport of 12 bridges 12,000
GERMANY Cash 1,465,984
GERMANY Cash, relief and technical assistance - DM 50,000 33,650
HONDURAS Provision of a helicopter 153,000
ISRAEL Medicines 24,000
ITALY Cash through DHA 150,000
JAPAN Cash grant 100,000
JAPAN Provision of relief goods: 10 tents, 840 sleeping mats, 840 blankets, 10 water tanks, 10 water purifiers, 50 generators, 50 cord reels, plus transport - YEN 19,964891 183,164
LUXEMBOURG Cash through DHA - FLUX 4,000,000 127,795
MEXICO Provision of helicopters, medicines, medical assistance, food and clothing 1,153,000
MEXICO Rebuilding of bridges 1,000,000
NETHERLANDS Cash for reconstruction, medical assistance etc. - NLG 131,250 76,754
NORWAY Cash for house reconstruction 50,000
PANAMA In-kind: clothing and foodstuffs 11,700
SPAIN Cash for local purchase and distribution of family food packets - PTAS 5,000,000 39,683
SWEDEN Cash 20,000
SWEDEN Relief items and materials* -
SWITZERLAND Bridge Perez Zeledon 25,000
UNITED KINGDOM Bailey bridges landing equipment 41,000
UNITED KINGDOM Cash for purchase of 6 mexican bridges 116,478
UNITED KINGDOM Cash for relief supplies (through DHA) 130,900
UNITED KINGDOM Construction and housing materials 52,653
UNITED KINGDOM Freight costs of shipping 12 Bailey bridges from UK (6 purchased by Costa Rica and 6 by Mexico) 196,000
UNITED KINGDOM Cash for food and medicines and rehabilitation of housing and basic infrastructure 17,771
UNITED STATES Cash, food and technical assistance 550,094
JUVENTUD CON UNA MISSION Two planes for the transportation of relief goods* -
PUENTES RESCATE INTERN. SUIZA 12 suspension bridges* -
IFRC Cash in response to IFRC appeal 118,784
SPAIN RED CROSS Cash grant 20,000
CARITAS GERMANY Cash for purchase of food and medical supplies - DM 50,000 33,784

* Value of contribution not specified

Telephone No: +41-22-917-12-34
In case of emergency only: +41-22-917.20.10
Desk Officers: Mr. Erik Haegglund, direct tel: +41-22-917.32.99 or Mr. Carlos Pereira, direct tel: +41-22-917.13.83
Press to contact: Ms. M. Moulin-Acevedo, direct tel: +41-22-917.28.56
Telex: 414242 dha ch
Fax: +41-22-917.00.23
E.Mail: dha gva at