- This is the final report on this
emergency, unless unforeseen developments occur.
2. For coordination purposes, donors are requested to inform DHA-Geneva, as indicated below, of bilateral relief missions/pledges/contributions and their corresponding value by item.
3. Final list of contributions reported to DHA for this emergency:
Donor | Description | Value in US$ |
DHA | Emergency grant | 30,000 |
UNDP | Cash grant | 50,000 |
UNDP | Technical assistance | 30,000 |
UNDP/UNHCR | Cash for agricultural rehabilitation | 24,000 |
WFP | Food aid | 55,850 |
UNFPA | Furnishing for schools | 1,211 |
ILO | Technical assistance for rehabilitation projects* | - |
PAHO/WHO | Humanitarian assistance - CRC 25,000,000 | 42,000 |
UNESCO | Cash | 50,000 |
UNICEF | Sanitation treatment | 100,000 |
UNV | In-kind - 25mt of goods | 150,000 |
WHO | Cash | 90,000 |
WHO | Technical assistance | 20,000 |
EUROPEAN COMM/ECHO | Cash for sanitation projects, food aid and kitchen sets for 2,000 people - ECU 400,000 | 507,614 |
EUROPEAN COMM/ECHO | River dredging | 3,000,000 |
OAS | Cash | 20,000 |
ARGENTINA | Airlift of 15,5mt of tools and generators* | - |
AUSTRALIA | Cash through DHA | 38,000 |
BRASIL | 200,000 anti-tetanus injections* | - |
CANADA | Cash, relief and technical assistance | 169,750 |
CHILE | Relief items | 55,000 |
CHILE | Reparation of health centres | 10,000 |
CHINA | Cash | 100,000 |
CZECH REPUBLIC | Cash | 10,000 |
DENMARK | Cash | 40,000 |
ECUADOR | Provision of two C-130 for transport of 12 bridges | 12,000 |
GERMANY | Cash | 1,465,984 |
GERMANY | Cash, relief and technical assistance - DM 50,000 | 33,650 |
HONDURAS | Provision of a helicopter | 153,000 |
ISRAEL | Medicines | 24,000 |
ITALY | Cash through DHA | 150,000 |
JAPAN | Cash grant | 100,000 |
JAPAN | Provision of relief goods: 10 tents, 840 sleeping mats, 840 blankets, 10 water tanks, 10 water purifiers, 50 generators, 50 cord reels, plus transport - YEN 19,964891 | 183,164 |
LUXEMBOURG | Cash through DHA - FLUX 4,000,000 | 127,795 |
MEXICO | Provision of helicopters, medicines, medical assistance, food and clothing | 1,153,000 |
MEXICO | Rebuilding of bridges | 1,000,000 |
NETHERLANDS | Cash for reconstruction, medical assistance etc. - NLG 131,250 | 76,754 |
NORWAY | Cash for house reconstruction | 50,000 |
PANAMA | In-kind: clothing and foodstuffs | 11,700 |
SOUTH AFRICA | Cash | 1,000 |
SPAIN | Cash for local purchase and distribution of family food packets - PTAS 5,000,000 | 39,683 |
SWEDEN | Cash | 20,000 |
SWEDEN | Relief items and materials* | - |
SWITZERLAND | Bridge Perez Zeledon | 25,000 |
UNITED KINGDOM | Bailey bridges landing equipment | 41,000 |
UNITED KINGDOM | Cash for purchase of 6 mexican bridges | 116,478 |
UNITED KINGDOM | Cash for relief supplies (through DHA) | 130,900 |
UNITED KINGDOM | Construction and housing materials | 52,653 |
UNITED KINGDOM | Freight costs of shipping 12 Bailey bridges from UK (6 purchased by Costa Rica and 6 by Mexico) | 196,000 |
UNITED KINGDOM | Cash for food and medicines and rehabilitation of housing and basic infrastructure | 17,771 |
UNITED STATES | Cash, food and technical assistance | 550,094 |
JUVENTUD CON UNA MISSION | Two planes for the transportation of relief goods* | - |
PUENTES RESCATE INTERN. SUIZA | 12 suspension bridges* | - |
SOS KINDERHORF INT. | Cash | 100,000 |
IFRC | Cash in response to IFRC appeal | 118,784 |
SPAIN RED CROSS | Cash grant | 20,000 |
CARITAS GERMANY | Cash for purchase of food and medical supplies - DM 50,000 | 33,784 |
* Value of contribution not specified
Telephone No: +41-22-917-12-34
In case of emergency only: +41-22-917.20.10
Desk Officers: Mr. Erik Haegglund, direct tel: +41-22-917.32.99 or
Mr. Carlos Pereira, direct tel: +41-22-917.13.83
Press to contact: Ms. M. Moulin-Acevedo, direct tel: +41-22-917.28.56
Telex: 414242 dha ch
Fax: +41-22-917.00.23
E.Mail: dha gva at un.org