Period covered by this Final Report: 1 December 2008 to 30 April 2010;
Appeal target: CHF 651,961 to support the Costa Rican Red Cross (CRRC) and the Red Cross Society of Panama (RCSP) to assist a total of 12,500 beneficiaries (2,500 families).
Final Appeal coverage: 100%
Appeal history:
-?The Emergency Appeal was initially launched on a preliminary basis on 1 December 2008 for CHF 693,779 for nine months to assist 15,000 beneficiaries (3,000 families).
-?CHF 270,000 was allocated from the Federation's Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) to support the initial relief activities of the Red Cross Society of Panama, and CHF 110,500 to support the Costa Rican Red Cross in starting relief actions. These DREF operations were annexed to the emergency operation as the floods were taking place in the same affected provinces.
-?On 8 April 2009, the budget was revised to reflect better the current situation (with no change in the overall figure), for an operation of nine months' duration to reach 2,500 families (approximately 12,500 beneficiaries)
-?Operations Update number 3 included a revised budget of CHF 651,961 which reflected more clearly the plans of action of the recovery phase together with an extension of the operational timeframe through 30 April 2010.