by Clarice Taylor,
CARE Emergency Assistance Unit Information Officer
Tropical storm Cesar struck the coast of southern Costa Rica at about midnight on July 27 with heavy rains and winds that damaged about 3,000 homes. Bridges, roads, schools, health posts, and other public buildings also sustained significant damage. Approximately 451,500 people have been effected, while 34 deaths have been recorded and 29 people have been reported missing. These reports are not complete, as some 126 areas remain inaccessible.
CARE proposes to provide kitchen sets, eating utensils, and hygienic items to meet the needs of 440 families in 33 rural communities within its project area. Transport of commodities will be undertaken in collaboration with local agencies.
151 Ellis Street NE
Atlanta, GA 30303-2439
1-800-521-CARE, ext. 999