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Cook Islands

Dengue-1 Outbreak in the Cook Islands: Situation Report 4: ending 31st August 2019 - Reporting Date: 09 September 2019


Outbreak Overview

  • Degue-type1 outbreak was declared on the 27th of February 2019 following a laboratory (NZ LabPlus) confirmation of seven (7) Dengue-type1 cases.

  • From 28 January 2019 to end of August 2019, a total number of 83 cases have been confirmed (22 confirmed dengue serotype 1, and 61 were confirmed NS1Ag positive).

  • Majority of the cases are from Rarotonga. The northern part of the island, and the airport area, as indicated on the map, were mainly affected, and recent cases are being reported from around this area. The western side of the island have calmed down, and this is where our first cluster of dengue cases were identified.

  • 3 (confirmed DENV-1) from Aitutaki island. There are no cases reported from the rest of the Outer Islands.

  • From the beginning of the outbreak, a total of 44 cases have been hospitalised and discharged. The cases were also given free mosquito nets to use at home.

  • There have been no reported deaths attributed to dengue infection