Outbreak Overview
Dengue-1 outbreak declared on the 27th of February 2019 following the confirmation of 7 Dengue-1 cases
From 28 January 2019 to 30 June 2019, a total of 69 dengue cases have been reported of which 22 were confirmed, and 47 were probable cases (NS1Ag positives)
66 cases from the main island of Rarotonga, and 3 (confirmed Dengue-1) from Aitutaki.
No cases reported from the rest of the outer islands
A total of 38 cases have been hospitalised, and given free mosquito nets to use at home. No deaths reported.
Lab test: RTD SD duo to detect presumptive dengue virus infection
Public Health Responses
Ongoing mosquito larvae surveillance and monitoring on Rarotonga, Aitutaki and outer islands; the introduction of adult mosquito trapping at the hospital and airport on Rarotonga – more adult traps to be purchased and distribute to the outer islands Continuing Peri-focal spraying (3 doses) of cases homes; risk assessments; larvacidal application; awareness raising; and regular reporting/update to key stakeholders and health staff. Entomology upskilling workshop for Health Protection officers including outer islands staff, facilitated by NZ Health