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Congo + 1 more

WFP Republic of Congo Country Brief, September 2018


In Numbers

410 mt of food assistance distributed

US$ 14.5 m net funding requirements (October – December 2018)

39,898 people assisted in September 2018

Operational Updates

• Under the ongoing Disarmament Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR) process, the collection of arms started in August 2018.

• As the security situation remains stable in the Pool Department, a significant number of displaced people have returned to their place of origin.

• In response to the Pool crisis, the Government and the UN Country Team launched the Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) earlier in the year in support of humanitarian and early recovery assistance.

• In September, approximately 3,200 malnourished children under the age of five and about 2,300 malnourished pregnant and breastfeeding women received specialised nutritious food to treat moderate acute malnutrition. Some 6,300 children between 6 and 24 months and 7,300 pregnant and breastfeeding women were assisted to prevent malnutrition.

• In September, under the project for supporting small bean producers in Bouenza department (PAPPH), WFP purchased 33mt of beans from the smallholders assisted by the project.

• A donation of 190 tonnes of canned mackerel (equivalent to US$1.8 million) from the Government of Japan for the school meals programme was confirmed in September. About 60,000 children at 318 schools will benefit from this contribution.

• Food commodities and non-food Items such as cooking pots and other kitchen utensils have been delivered to the schools targeted for the school meal programme starting in October.

• The Zero Hunger Strategic Review has been finalised. WFP’s Country Strategic Plan (CSP) for RoC is being formualted in consultation with government counterparts and other partners. The CSP is planned to be launched in January 2019.