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Congo + 1 more

WFP Republic of Congo Country Brief, December 2024


In Numbers

  • 222.8 MT of food distributed
  • USD 364,844 cash-based transfers made
  • USD 10.1 million net funding requirements for the next six months (January 2025 – June 2025), representing 45 percent of total needs
  • 132,517 people assisted in December 2024

Operational Updates

Refugee Response

  • WFP continued its assistance to refugees by providing cash-based transfers in the Likouala Department to 21,118 refugees from the Central African Republic, with distributions in the localities of Bétou, Enyellé, and Dongou.
  • On 20 December 2024, WFP and the Ministry of Social Affairs and Humanitarian Action signed a Memorandum of Understanding to support the implementation of a national food assistance policy and strengthen the Ministry’s institutional capacity.

School Feeding

  • WFP implements a dual school feeding approach in the Republic of the Congo. Under the McGovern-Dole inkind program, WFP distributed approximately 184 MT of food to 85,000 schoolchildren across seven departments.
  • Additionally, through the Home-Grown School Feeding approach, supported by Mastercard, 13,473 schoolchildren in the Bouenza Department received meals. This model allows schools to source food locally, with support from cash-based transfers.

Support to Local Value Chains

  • As part of the IBSA-funded "Seeds for Tomorrow" project, a delegation from the Republic of the Congo (RoC), including representatives from the Ministry of Education, WFP Centre of Excellence against Hunger in Brazil, and WFP RoC, attended the 2nd Global Child Nutrition Forum (GCNF) in Osaka, Japan, from 9 to 12 December. The GCNF focuses on sustainable school feeding, nutritional quality, and climate resilience. The delegation learned from Brazil’s long-standing school feeding programme, which will inform the RoC plans to implement a similar system based on local agriculture.

Nutrition Support

  • In collaboration with various cooperating partners including Terres Sans Frontières, Médecins d’Afrique and the National Directorate of Hygiene and Health Promotion, WFP supported 9,170 children (6-59 months) and 2,535 pregnant and breastfeeding women and girls in Brazzaville, Pointe-Noire, Likouala, Pool, and Lékoumou departments for the treatment and prevention of moderate acute malnutrition.