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Republic of the Congo: police instructors receive training on humanitarian law and human rights

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) organized a training seminar for instructors from the Gendarmerie nationale congolaise (the Congolese national police force) on the essential rules of international humanitarian law and international human rights law applicable in law enforcement operations.

The main purpose of the seminar, which took place from 14 to 25 May at the national police academy in Brazzaville, was to strengthen the instructors' capacity and to form a permanent corps of academy officers able to provide instruction on basic human rights rules and humanitarian law principles. The topics covered included: prevention and law enforcement, the human rights adapted to and/or incorporated into the Congolese legal order, the protection of vulnerable groups (women, minors, refugees and displaced persons), international humanitarian law, and the ICRC's mandate and activities in the Congo. Given the specific nature of the Gendarmerie's missions, topics relating to the conduct of purely military operations were also on the agenda: command responsibility, the conduct of hostilities and the repression of violations of humanitarian law.

In accordance with its mandate, the ICRC intends thus to work with the Congolese authorities in their endeavours to integrate, promote and respect humanitarian principles. The seminar was opened by Colonel Pascal Abia, representing the Gendarmerie's acting commander, and Ms Ariane Tombet, the ICRC head of delegation in the Republic of the Congo. In her opening statement, Ms Tombet encouraged the participants to "draw the greatest possible benefit from the seminar (...), the ultimate aim being to boost the Gendarmerie's professional capacities with a view to affording greater protection to the population throughout the Congo".

For further information, please contact:

Valery Mbaoh Nana, communication delegate, ICRC Brazzaville
Tel.: + (242) 553 04 40 / 81.12.08 / 679 10 10 / 679 14 14