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Congo + 1 more

Influx of Refugees from the DRC into Ngabé District Situation Report 5 30 November 2022


Situation in the DRC & Operational Context

• A new influx of more than 500 refugees arrived in Ngabé 14-20 November have fled the recent upsurge in ethnic clashes in Kwamouth, DRC. Local populations in Kwamouth said the situation remains tense due to an increase in arson attacks and summary executions by armed groups on several villages in the south of Kwamouth.
Local authorities reported that 20 people were killed in an attack by unidentified assailants on the Teke village of Boku, VoA reported on 9 November1 .

• Episodes of inter-communal clashes have been occurring in the Kwamouth locality, Mai-Ndombé province, in South-West Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), since June 2022.

• The total number of refugees in the Ngabé, Mpouya and Igné districts, Pool department,
Republic of the Congo, now stands at 4,186. They have been pre-registered (L1) by the National Committee for Refugee Assistance (CNAR) and UNHCR.

• Of this pre-registered population, 52 per cent are women and girls and 51 per cent children, including 669 boys and 995 girls, and nine per cent are identified as having specific needs. On the economic profile of the adult heads of households, 49 per cent report being farmers and 15 per cent worked in petty trade in the DRC, while 11 per cent state that fishing is their main occupation. Two per cent say they had no occupation. Nine per cent state that they are students, and the remaining 17 per cent declare other occupations2 .