In a press conference held on 31th January, 2012 extensively covered by the Congolese media. Ambassador of Egypt to Congo, Khaled Omran delivered pharmaceutical aid of five tons of medicines and hospital needs to the Congolese Minister of health.
Ambassador Khaled Omran stated that Egypt was the first country to respond to the Congolese project of regarding the year 2012 as a national year to promote health services in the country. Noteworthy, Egypt’s initiative had profound impact on the public and Congolese media. Ambassador Omran asserted that such medical aid comes within the framework of continued cooperation and strengthening brotherhood, friendship and solidarity bonds between peoples, and perfecting the efforts of the Egyptian medical team currently working in Congo.
Ambassador Omran indicated that the Congolese appreciating the Egyptian medical aid had been obvious especially when the Congolese Minister of Health instructed that the cargoes be distributed in the containers labelled "Donated from Egypt, to get the Congolese to know how Egyptians are their friends and dear brothers," as stated by the Congolese Minister.
Congo Brazzaville had recently established a model of a Pharaonic obelisk in the main capital square as a good omen of the Egyptian civilization and boasting relations with Egypt, thus Congo would be the first African city where an Egyptian obelisk is set-up. Ambassador Khaled Omran was invited with a large number of ministers to attend the ceremony of unveiling the obelisk, and gave a speech stressing Egypt's strong relations with the Congo Brazzaville people and government.