This report covers the period of 1/01/06 to 31/12/06 of a two-year planning and appeal process.
In a world of global challenges, continued poverty, inequity, and increasing vulnerability to disasters and disease, the International Federation with its global network, works to accomplish its Global Agenda, partnering with local community and civil society to prevent and alleviate human suffering from disasters, diseases and public health emergencies.
In brief
Programme Summary: In 2006, the Federation's Kinshasa delegation covered the Red Cross of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (RCDRC) and the Congolese Red Cross (CRC). The delegation supported the implementation of various programmes of the two National Societies including health and care, disaster management, organizational development and promotion of Humanitarian Values.
Under health and care, the major achievement in 2006 was the response to the cholera epidemics that occurred in Uvira, Fizi and Bukavu in the South Kivu Province of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). In disaster management, the major activities carried out were response to the flooding that occurred in Inkisi (Bas Congo Province), Nsele (Kinshasa Province) of the DRC and in Brazzaville in the Republic of Congo (RoC). With respect to organizational development, RCDRC started the restructuring process of its secretariat, in line with the recommendations contained in the 2005 audit, the Cooperation Agreement Strategy (CAS) workshop report and the central committee's meeting that took place in September 2005. This process is still ongoing.
The new organization structure was adopted during the central committees meeting which took place from 29 to 30 May 2006. The RCDRC General Assembly took place in December 2006 and served as a framework to renew its governing board and elect a new President.
Goal: To meet the Federation's mission to improve the lives of vulnerable people in DRC and RoC.
Needs: Total 2006-2007 budget CHF 5,026,067 (USD 4,153,774 or EUR 3,064,675), out of which 34.9 percent covered.
For more detailed information on the 2006 activities, please see Programme Update 1 and 2:
Programme Update no. 1:
Programme Update no. 2:
No. of people we help: In 2006, the programmes executed by RCDRC and CRC, with technical and financial support from the Kinshasa delegation benefited about 535,700 people in DRC and RoC. Towards the end of 2006, it was decided that the CRC be detached from the Kinshasa delegation and attached to the Central Africa sub-regional office (CASRO).
In 2007, the Kinshasa delegation expects to support 1,400 Red Cross volunteers within the framework of activities to benefit some 600,000 beneficiaries in DRC.
Our partners: In 2006, the Kinshasa delegation, RCDRC and CRC maintained a dynamic partnership in the field to facilitate the execution of Red Cross projects. In 2007, the delegation and the RCDRC will consolidate the existing partnerships with the German, Belgian and Spanish Red Cross societies as well as the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). Contacts have been made with other international organizations and will be finalized in order to find additional sources of funding to support RCDRC programmes.
For further information please contact:
DRC: Jacques KATSHISHI, Secretary General, Red Cross of the Democratic Republic of the Congo; email:; Phone +243 998 225 214 or +243 848 16 24
In RoC: Abdoul Azize DIALLO, Federation's Head of Kinshasa Delegation; email:; Phone +243 818 801 400 or +243 998 011 801
In Senegal: Alasan SENGHORE, Federation's Head of West and Central Africa Regional Delegation ; email :; Phone +221 86 93 640
In Geneva: Jaime DURAN, Federation Regional Officer for Central Africa, Africa Department; email:; Phone +41 22 730 49 14; Fax +41 22 733 03 95