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Comoros: Flash Floods - Emergency appeal n° MDRKM004 Final Report


Period covered by this Final: May 2012 to March 2013

Appeal target (current): CHF 624,074

Appeal coverage: 100%

Appeal history:

  • This Emergency Appeal was initially launched on 4 May 2012 with for CHF 801,629 to assist 20,000 beneficiaries (4,000 families) affected by Flash Floods for 6 months.

  • CHF 100,000 was initially allocated from the Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) to support the National Society in the initial emergency phase.

  • An operations update n° 1 was issued on 15 June 2012 and operations update n° 2 issued on 15 August 2012 to provide a progress report of the response operation.

  • A 6 months summary update of the operation was issued on 8 January 2013.

  • Based on available funds, the population needs and in coordination with Comoros Red Crescent (CRCo) and other actors, a Revised Emergency Appeal was issued enabling the National Society to use the available funds in the most efficient and sustainable manner and extended the operation until 31 March 2013.

Summary: Heavy rains inundated Comoros Islands from 20 April 2012, and caused the worst flooding since decades. As of 26 April, over 64,987 people were affected, with more than 9,000 displaced on Grand Comore, Mohéli and Anjouan Islands. Following the request of Comorian Red Crescent Society (CRCo) and with support from the International Federation of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), an Emergency Appeal was launched to assist up to 20,000 affected beneficiaries (4,000 households) through relief distribution of non-food items, water and sanitation hygiene (WASH) kits, hygiene promotion activities, as well as health and care interventions, including first aid and psychosocial support.

A total of 1,703 households (11,139 beneficiaries) received non-food items (NFIs), including kitchen sets, sleeping mats, lanterns, stoves and mosquito nets. WASH kits including buckets, jerry cans, soap bars, chlorine tablets and water purification sachets were also distributed to beneficiaries. Emergency kits were rapidly distributed by Red Crescent volunteers. Moreover, CRCo was the implementing partner for World Food Programme (WFP) in distribution of energy biscuits, and for United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) for distribution of WASH kits.

NFI goods that were not distributed were prepositioned in CRCo warehouse in the capital, Moroni, and later pre-positioned in high risk areas for increased preparedness for new crisis.

African Development Bank (AfDB) signed an agreement with CRCo and Comorian Government, for financing a USD 1 million food and Non Food Items (NFI) distribution on Comoros Islands for approximately 6,000 households. This cooperation was initiated during 2013, which has strengthened the CRCo relief capacity.

Following a one week training provided by Head of Programs and Health, 85 volunteers conducted hygiene promotion and epidemiological surveillance activities in 48 communities on all three Islands. Overall, 23,359 households were sensitized; 8,923 in Grand Comore, 4,500 in Mohéli and 9,936 in Anjouan. Sensitisation covered topics including Hygiene and Food, Safe Water, Malaria and Measles prevention, as well as the use of mosquito nets for disease prevention. A KAP (Knowledge, Attitude and Practice) survey was conducted in the beginning of this activity upon a sample of 360 households in order to assess population knowledge and habits related to hygiene and diseases. This survey was carried out after the implementation to determine the efficiency and impact of this activity. A report showing a comparison of the results was produced in January by CRCo.

In order to prevent water borne diseases and to improve livelihood and hygiene of vulnerable beneficiaries, CRCo cleaned and disinfected 306 water tanks (upon 522 assessed) between 17 May and 29 July 2012 across 17 communities, covering an estimated population of 18,054 beneficiaries. A total of 56 water tanks serving a population of 3,289 beneficiaries was repaired (and covered) to offer beneficiaries a safer source of water. The sum of these 56 water tanks represents a volume of 1,774 cubic metres of water. The average capacity is 32 cubic metres by cistern for an average population of 59 beneficiaries.

In order to reduce the vulnerability of beneficiaries, 24 trained volunteers (eight on each Island) conducted disaster risk reduction (DRR) trainings in 12 communities across the country. Joint assessments were carried out in the communities, and key DRR Projects developed.

In order to reinforce CRCo activities in hygiene promotion, epidemiological surveillance, WatSan, and DRR, a weekly radio show was undertaken during 3 months. This was an efficient way to reach beneficiaries across all three Islands in order to communicate prevention messages and to inform them about activities done in the field.

Contributions to this appeal have been received from British Red Cross, Canadian Red Cross, Canadian Government, Japanese Red Cross, French Red Cross, Swedish Red Cross, European Commission - DG ECHO, Red Cross of Monaco, and WHO Voluntary Emergency Relief.

On behalf of the Comorian Red Crescent Society, the IFRC would like to thank all partners and donors for their generous support to this appeal.