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Comoros Flash Floods Emergency appeal n° MDRKM004


This Emergency Appeal seeks CHF 801,629 in cash, kind or services to support the Comoro Red Crescent Society to assist 20,000 beneficiaries for six months and will be completed by the 31 October 2012. A final report will be made available by 30 January 2013. CHF 100,000 has been allocated from the IFRC’s Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) to support this operation.
Unearmarked funds to repay DREF are encouraged.

Summary: Heavy rains have inundated the Comoro islands since 20 April 2012, causing the worst flooding in decades. As of 26 April, over 46,000 people are affected and more than 9,000 displaced on the islands of Grande Comore, Moheli and Anjouan. At the request of the Comoros Red Crescent Society (CRCO) and with support from IFRC, this emergency appeal details plans to assist up to 20,000 affected beneficiaries (4,000 households) through relief distributions of non-food items, water, sanitation and hygiene kits, hygiene promotion activities as well as health and care interventions including first aid and psychosocial support. Additional technical support is also being provided by the French Red Cross through its Rapid Intervention Platform for the Indian Ocean islands (PIROI).

Further assessments are underway and these will serve as the basis for further updates and any appeal revisions or adjustments in the coming weeks.