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Comoro Islands: Flash Floods Emergency appeal n° MDRKM004 operation update n°1


Period covered by this Ops Update: 4 May 2012 to 4 June 2012

Appeal target (current): CHF 801.629 Appeal coverage: 42%.

Appeal history:

• This Emergency Appeal was initially launched on 4 May 2012 for an amount of CHF 801,629 (in cash, kind or services) over a six month period to assist 20,000 beneficiaries (4,000 families).

• CHF 100,000 was initially allocated from the Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) to support the National Society in their initial emergency response.


Heavy rains inundated the Comoro islands after 20 April 2012, causing the worst flooding in decades. As of 26 April, over 46,000 people were affected and more than 9,000 displaced on the islands of Grande Comore, Mohéli and Anjouan. At the request of the Comoros Red Crescent Society (CRCO) and with support from the International Federation of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent (IFRC), this emergency appeal outlines plans to assist up to 20,000 affected beneficiaries (4,000 households) through relief distribution of non-food items, water and sanitation hygiene (WASH) kits, hygiene promotion activities, as well as health and care interventions including first aid and psychosocial support.

The Comoros Red Crescent Society (CRCO) responded immediately to this situation mobilising over 200volunteers to support local authorities with evacuation, first aid and emergency health assistance to the affected population. Following an initial joint rapid assessment together with the government and UN agencies, a more detailed sectoral assessment has been carried by CRCO volunteers with technical support from IFRC and the French Red Cross Rapid Intervention Platform for the Indian Ocean (PIROI).