Operation ID: CO03
CSP approved at EB November 2024 session.
Colombia is an upper-middle-income country with the fourth-largest economy in Latin America. However, it is one of the most unequal countries in the world, with deep social and economic disparities between sociodemographic groups and between urban and rural areas.
The violence and impact of armed conflict, illegal economies that disproportionately affect rural areas and crises caused by extreme climate-related events, as well as the recent pandemic, combined with a food price crisis and mass migration are all having a profound impact on people's food security and nutrition, affecting Indigenous and Afro-descendant peoples, women and children and other vulnerable groups in particular. An estimated 25 percent of the population is food insecure.
This country strategic plan has been formulated in line with the priorities of the national development plan for 2022–2026 and the United Nations sustainable development cooperation framework, using the triple nexus approach to create synergies between the humanitarian, development and peace dimensions of strategic and programmatic interventions and incorporating transformative gender, ethnic and inclusion approaches. The plan is based on an analysis of the challenges and gaps in ending hunger and malnutrition in Colombia, considering WFP's comparative advantages, and focuses on strengthening institutional and community capacity for risk management, climate change adaptation and ecosystem restoration and enhancing nutrition-sensitive and shock-responsive social protection and sustainable and resilient food systems, thereby contributing to the progressive realization of the human right to food, in support of the national development plan.
The plan has four expected outcomes:
➢ Outcome 1: Food-insecure and crisis-affected populations in Colombia meet their urgent food, nutrition and other essential needs and have the capacity and resources to prepare for, anticipate, respond to and recover from shocks by 2028, in the context of a more secure, inclusive and peaceful country.
➢ Outcome 2: Vulnerable populations in rural and urban areas in Colombia have improved food security, nutrition, health and education; access enhanced school feeding programmes; and benefit from strengthened social protection systems by 2028.
➢ Outcome 3: Vulnerable and food-insecure populations in urban and rural areas, including displaced people and victims of conflict, people engaged in the peace process, migrants, Colombian returnees and host communities and people affected by climate-related and other shocks and stressors, improve their adaptive capacities, livelihoods and socioeconomic inclusion and benefit from resilient, sustainable and inclusive food systems by 2028.
➢ Outcome 4: By 2028, government institutions, civil society and humanitarian and development partners in Colombia receive services that enable them to achieve their programmatic objectives effectively and efficiently.
WFP will work in close strategic and operational coordination with the Government and build partnerships across the whole of society with national and local institutions, academic institutions, non-governmental organizations, community-based organizations, other United Nations entities and partners and the private sector.