In Numbers
1,290 mt of food assistance distributed USD 5.4 m cash-based transfers made
USD 80.5 m six months (March – August 2022) net funding requirements, representing 44% of total
USD 69.3 m Emergency Response 414,957 people assisted in FEBRUARY 2022
Operational Updates
Through a diversified set of intervention modalities addressing humanitarian, early recovery and livelihoods support requirements, WFP assisted 414,957 beneficiaries in February. This includes Venezuelan migrants, Colombian returnees and host communities, Colombian and Venezuelan migrant schoolchildren, victims of internal violence and displaced people, ex- combatants in the process of reintegration, communities impacted by natural and climatic hazards, and people affected by COVID-19 and its socioeconomic consequences.
As part of its life-saving emergency assistance across Colombia, WFP reached 19,189 people affected by recent displacements and armed violence in the departments of Arauca and Vichada, as well as the municipality of Buenaventura (Valle del Cauca), through food rations and in-kind food baskets.
With the start of the new school year, WFP resumed its school feeding activities for 14,905 migrant children in Barranquilla and La Guajira, and 51,888 Colombian schoolchildren in La Guajira. The further broadening of operations to an increasing number of Venezuelan children will depend on the availability of funding, which is critically low at the moment.
By the end of February, 2,700 households of migrants and host communities received their one-time emergency cash transfers as part of WFP’s project with the World Bank. The project aims to reach 18,400 vulnerable households in eight municipalities across four departments.
WFP is providing critical support to the National Planning Department and 38 municipalities to foster a smooth inclusion of 150,000 migrants with temporary status permits in the social registry beneficiary identification system which will allow their access to the Colombian social protection system and public services. This is a concrete and strategic contribution to the process of socioeconomic integration of Venezuelan migrants in Colombia.