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Simplified Early Action Protocol, Colombia, South America | Droughts (sEAP №: sEAP2023CO01)


Priority threat and its historical impact.

Much of the Colombian territory is located within the equatorial zone, which places the country under the direct influence of the Intertropical Convergence Zone that influences the variation and distribution of rainfall, cloudiness, and other climatic variables (IDEAM, 2018). In Colombia there are several types of droughts: meteorological, agricultural (IDEAM, 2012) and hydrological (UNGRD, 2017), each with specific impacts on crops, water supply and water resources.

The drought represents the second threat with the highest incidence of affected people in Colombia, for the period 1914-2018, 3.236.670 people were affected. This number is only below the floods, which have affected more than 20 million people in the same period (DesInventar, 2024). The effects of drought vary by region and can be difficult to determine because what is considered drought in one place may not be drought in another (UNGRD, 2019).

In particular, for the period 1998-2021 (see Figure 1 and Table 1), 25 departments (at least 565 municipalities) have been affected on at least one occasion due to dry seasons (IDEAM, 2022).