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OAS Secretary General Welcomed New Achievement in Peace Talks in Colombia

The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), José Miguel Insulza, today welcomed the new achievement reached in the peace talks between the government of Colombia and the FARC, concerning the fight against drug trafficking.

The OAS leader said drug trafficking has been responsible in great part for the increase in violence in Colombia and that the commitment to fight against it is an important step toward peace. This step "pleases us and makes us hopeful about the possibility of peace being reached very soon in this beloved country".

Secretary General Insulza congratulated President Juan Manuel Santos “for the leadership in a process that has been difficult and has moved forward without land clearances and without truces, achieving substantive results.”

The leader of the hemispheric institution was pleased, moreover, by the decision of the FARC to suspend temporarily their attacks, saying, “if it were permanent, it would be great news.”

“I hope this step forward in the negotiations, together with previous agreements on land and political participation, is a stimulus for the negotiators to conclude promptly the pending issues and achieve the peace that the Colombians and all the people of the Americas have desired for so long,” concluded the OAS Secretary General.

For more information, please visit the OAS Website at

Reference: E-202/14